Human Rights Law

Human Rights Law

A long tradition of involvement in human rights and employment equity. 

McKercher LLP lawyers represent clients before the courts and the Labour Relations Board, as well as before arbitration and human rights tribunals. We represent federally and provincially regulated clients, and have represented clients before all levels of court, including the Supreme Court of Canada. 
McKercher LLP has also been involved in leading Canadian constitutional, administrative and Aboriginal cases regarding human rights, including Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc. v. Saskatchewan; First Vancouver Finance v. Canada (Minister of National Revenue – M.N.R.); Public School Boards’ Association of Alberta v. Alberta (Attorney General) and Lindsay v. Saskatchewan (Workers’ Compensation Board). Members of our legal team have also been involved in high profile public inquiries, including the North Battleford Water Inquiry, Inquiry into the Death of Neil Stonechild, and Inquiry into the Wrongful Conviction of David Milgaard. 

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